the visions of the end times and present times


Living for God and the Stewardship of Wealth

Living for God is a profound commitment that transcends mere belief; it encompasses every aspect of life, including how one manages finances. When discussing the idea of spending all money on God, it is essential to approach the topic from the perspective of stewardship, purpose, and the heart's intent. This essay explores the implications of living for God and how one can orient their financial decisions to reflect that devotion.

Understanding Stewardship

At its core, stewardship refers to the responsible management of resources entrusted to us. In a religious context, it suggests that everything we possess—including our finances—ultimately belongs to God. This perspective is deeply rooted in many faith traditions. For instance, in Christianity, the Bible teaches that "the earth is the Lord's, and everything in it" (Psalm 24:1). This acknowledgment shapes how believers view their possessions and finances. Instead of viewing wealth as a personal asset, it becomes a tool for fulfilling God's purposes.

Purposeful Living

Living for God requires aligning one's actions and decisions with divine principles. This includes financial decisions that reflect a commitment to faith. Spending money for God does not necessarily mean emptying one's bank account or living in poverty. Instead, it emphasizes purposeful spending—using resources to promote good, support the needy, and further the mission of faith. This can manifest in various ways, such as:

  1. Supporting the Church and Ministries: Many individuals allocate a portion of their income to their local church or other ministries. This act of tithing or generous giving is a tangible expression of faith, helping to fund activities that serve the community, spread the gospel, and support various outreach programs.

  2. Charitable Giving: Beyond church contributions, living for God often involves supporting charities and organizations that align with one’s values. This could include donating to food banks, shelters, or international missions that work to alleviate poverty, provide education, or promote justice. These acts of kindness reflect a heart committed to God's love and compassion.

  3. Investing in People: Financial resources can also be used to invest in the lives of others. This might include funding education for those in need, helping someone start a business, or providing medical assistance. Such investments demonstrate a commitment to uplifting individuals and communities, echoing the biblical call to love one’s neighbor.

  4. Sustainable Living: A commitment to God can extend to how one spends money on personal consumption. Making choices that reflect stewardship over creation, such as supporting sustainable brands or ethical companies, aligns financial decisions with a faith-centered worldview.

The Heart’s Intent

While the acts of giving and spending are significant, the intent behind those actions is crucial. God is less concerned with the amount of money one gives and more focused on the condition of the heart. In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus highlights the story of a poor widow who gave two small coins, noting that her offering was more valuable than the larger sums contributed by the wealthy because it came from a place of sacrifice and devotion.

Living for God in financial matters requires a heart check—an examination of motives and desires. Are financial decisions driven by a desire for security, status, or personal gain? Or are they motivated by love, gratitude, and a desire to serve God and others? This introspection can lead to more intentional and meaningful financial stewardship.

Challenges and Balancing Life

While the call to spend money for God is noble, it is not without challenges. In a consumer-driven society, the pressures to accumulate wealth and possessions can conflict with a commitment to living for God. Balancing personal needs with the desire to give can be difficult, especially when faced with financial responsibilities such as bills, education, and family care.

However, it is essential to remember that living for God does not require abandoning all personal needs. Instead, it invites believers to approach finances holistically, recognizing that God provides for our needs while also calling us to share with others. Creating a budget that allocates funds for both personal expenses and charitable giving can help maintain this balance.


Living for God and spending money in alignment with that commitment is a dynamic and rewarding journey. It requires a heart of stewardship, a commitment to purpose, and an understanding of the true essence of giving. By integrating faith into financial decisions, believers can create a legacy of generosity that reflects the love of God and serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith in action. Ultimately, living for God through financial stewardship is about making choices that honor Him and advance His kingdom on earth.

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screaming spirit-vision received 6-18-2009-in this vision hollie appears and screams.
(2)the beasts image-vision received 8-11-2009-I saw two arms in vision and hand pulled sleeves back, and I saw popes face tattood on arm.

JEsus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people and prophetic scenes and they described:  10-28-2009-no, said, hollie, im thru, she said, away withit, but, shook, yes, I turned around, she said, showed, time, go, hollie, said, to church, its, grace, and larry hunt, hollie showed, record, rubbed, face, hand down, hollie, layed down, hollie showed, record, and, I, stamped, hollie, said, beat hand, bob, said, hollie, showed, popes, picture, this the website, lets post, said, hollie, this is warning, said, hollie, this is not the website talkin, this is hollie, talking for the website, post, thats, post angel, hollie, tore up, record, the vision, hollie, said, showed, pope, hollie showed, record, eat, hollie, wipes, lips, shows, pop up revival, hollie, shows, record, with, the, alome, saleem, sound, said, hollie, sandy wipes lips, it was simb, bangs hand, stamps, thats aleem, hallelujah, said, hollie, showed, put on coat, its, fix van, that, said, hollie, rode excercisor, thats heart beating rapidly, hollie, smiled, that, she said, whew, let me, said, dark grim reaper with yellow lips, hollie, shows, lips, yellow, like, neon, thats gasoline at 3.79, its, uh sign, said, hollie, speedway, thats disgrunted, said, Jesus, barack obama, telling, grunts, economic collapse, leaves, hollie showed, record, said, hollie, bang, said, hollie, looked, its, that, o, red, and black chariot, pulled by angry horses, hollie, sits on one, black horse tears up, stands on back legs, stomps, hoof, thats it said, hollie, post on laptop, hollie, shows, church for sale, Jesus, says, purchase, but, owner wants, about, 300,000, and paid zero, cause he got flock to pay off, its uh double blader, beater, said, hollie, copter, thats hollie in, looking down, jumped out, holds onto rope, its, yellow, said, hollie, hollie, showed, record, theres that o metabolism, said, hollie, its kickin in, this is website, lets post, tomorrow, said, hollie, theres that o red and black chariot again said, hollie, pulled by angry horses, one, tears up, one, shows, popes, picture, its, red, said, hollie, hollie like cat, appears, its, your, leopard, said, hollie, flyin, thats, kings, popping out, theres hu hintao, thats emporer of japan, kim jong, and, south korea, hollie, put back, leopard flys, thats pontiff, hes, im the beast, said, pontiff, thats it, said, hollie, its, new class of submarine, thats submarine sorry, its, simb, said, hollie, thats, hollie, showing, its, radio controlled, will carry one missile, hollie, points down, nuclear fires along west and east coast, of america, thats jet, thats russian submarine underneath ship and controller on, ship, after america struck, thats barack obama typeing, listens, with that ear thing in, said, hollie, thats many american minuteman 111 nuclear missiles taking off, thats, pilot hollie, in russian jet, thats some exploding right in silo, how did they get that close, said, hollie, thats russian prime minister shaking hands with canadian, they become, its partnership, said, Jesus, you want oil, said, putin, yes, shakes, canadian president, there, thats deal, sime, thats russian tankers bringing in canadian oil, said, Jesus, watch for it, hollie, showed, marry, thats hollie, its double blade, kind said, hollie, copter, hollie shows, apache, firing, slaughtering, thats what it is made for, aw, sang, the seven heads, hollie conducts, its meatloaf, thats, king, popping, out, of, heads, they are said, hollie, theres mexican pres, like partial lighted prez, in, head, thats head laughing, thats castrol, raul, theres, chavez, lula, both not wanting, kim jong, thats, him, with, nuclear button, thats, nuclear fires, in, russia, and, china, and, south korea, thats, missile leaving, russia, with, new, ministry of dreams website on, hollie shows, the prophecies center, dont steal or take, it, hollie, said, north korea exploded, thats two rockets leaving a u.s.a. sub, hollie, on one, and, the prophecies center on other, north korea exploded, thats putin, and, medvedev looking at each other, if you do, said, putin, thats, medvedev, pressing nuclear button, bear arising, and hollie appearing, its, the, g8, hollie, said, countries, all burning, thats rockets from them striking russia, exploded, thats sixth seal opening, smoke rising, blocking sun, moon, bobby, said, sun, places hand on bible, thats sun laughing, moon not looking happy, then laughs, he told us, said, sun, thats, world, shaking, thats world, from, high in heavens, hollie looks, its spinning, many countries burning, thats the beast on top of world sitting in his throne, thats second beast hu hintao, hes, the, false, prophet, worship the beast, said, hintao, kneeling before, pontiff, thats, hollie, pulling up, sleeves, 666 being born, thats hegoat charging, smiting the ram, thats, showed, hollie, nuclear fires in russia, china, thats pope, telling medvedev, drive them outta there, thats chinese forces invading russia, after, thats, n.a.t.o. nuclear fires all over russia, thats, nuclear fires, in china, and, russia, thats two horned beast, rising, with, hu, japan, coming out of horns, thats, them at table, with pontiff, 666, peace treaty, its born, said, hollie, I caused your kneck to sag, to tempt you, I ruin your appearance every day, and, night, deseasing gums, ruining face to abase, and, embarras, I will destroy and torture, like, spiking, caressing penus with electricy till I dont care about hurting, briusing your body and heart, I do it, to laugh and, tell others you fell away, and, ask them to pray, I will torture all that get saved, some before, like destroying gums, saith Jesus, I will do it for 30 to forty years, or death, making my servant walk in circles and spin when stopped, letting them see me laughing at their crying hearts, fast untill death, saith God, thats that o red and black chariot, with the pope and hu, red dragon rises behind, thats angry black and red horses pulling, 11-9-2009-you need to record, bobby, said, hollie, and, I, stamped, she, said, up rose happy pontiff, hollie claps, hu hintao, rises, there, you have it, said, hollie, relaxed, both beasts, thats, pontiff, riding, black, horse, hollie, screams, points, its, into russia, exploded, pontiff, said, with pen, hollie, showed, git trash, thats, hollie, feeding animals, wearing a, different coat, I didnt want no more, thats, why im screamin, said, hollie, screamed, that was uh horse tap dancing, said, hollie, which one, she, said, it was blue, hollie, said, thats blue horse appearing, casey, tells, its indianapolis colts charging, thats hollie like vampire, hollie, showed, its the, church of Christ, they, thats owner with dyed hair, thats Jesus, with, owner, if you let me, said, owner, he wants to pastor bob, but, is, not saved, himself, russia is, that, said, hollie, thats hollie walking out, bear appears, hollie showed, word, exploded, hollie screams, whats my reason, said, hollie, that, she pointed, what is it, said, hollie, thats it, said, hollie, its the leave us alone sollie, hollie said, its that o red and black chariot agin, said, hollie, that, hollie, said, finger points at fan, hollie coming out, in, thats hollie like silhouette, kind of, coming, in, out, eyes, wavy, what did hollie, say, said, hollie, get laptop, hollie, said, posted on laptop, loose belt sorrow, said, hollie, thats Father in steam locomotive, whew whew, said, hollie, thats, hollie funnel, changing faces, that is plane fying over, and hollie in sweatshirt, jeans, hollie chewed gum, blew bubble, write my vision, said, hollie, make it plain, hollie screams, whats my word, said, hollie, im grecia, said, angel, casey, points, its, pontiff, with, ram horns, thats putin and hintao coming out of horns, thats hegoat charging, stomping, smiting, ram, with, putins face, hollie, rolls up sleeves, shows, nuclear fires in russia and china, hollie, claps, thats pontiff, telling medvedev, drive them outta there, thats, chinese army invading much of destroyed russia, thats nuclear explosion in china, then, russia, then, both, thats pontiff at table, thats two horned beast rising, with japan and hu, coming out of horns, thats, them, all at table, 666 appears, its born, said, hollie, lets watch it all over again, said, hollie, this is uh warning, said, hollie, its alome, said, hollie, and, sandy wipes lips, it was simb, thats helicopter, big, its, the bladed, kind, said, hollie, and, hollie wipes lips, jumps out on rope, hangs, america below exploded, hollie looked out of copter, its blade kind, said, hollie, and, hollie stairs as it passes, satan said, hollie, pointed, at, light blob, she said, that was satan, said, hollie, hollie runs out, hollie does sign teem, laughs, thats apostolic pentecostals doing sign teem, thats hollie with Jesus inside, showing, record, look, said, hollie, Jesus, turns into silhouette, look, said, holllie, then, back, hollie, let me obseve, she said, thats pope hollie said, its, in that o dark chariot pulled by black horse, thats, the, st. bernard appearing on black horse, showed, cut off, git outta here, david bernard says, to people that show vision, thats, pointed, hollie, david bernard pocketing money, leading u.p.c.i., thats the apostle paul pointing at the saint bernard, witch said, paul,