last days and times visions and dreams
(1)visions of Jesus-visions recieved 7-31-2009-in visions I saw Jesus, and he said things like, "git your house in order", "I want you to perish", "you know me", 'I have told people to perish bob for no reason then if they didnt leave I totured them with no end", "I do it to make people examples so I can tell others they fell away". God spoke some of this.
(2)the Holy Ghost Jesus showed me in visions spirits that looked like people, and they said: 11-24-2009-there, pointed, Jesus, hollie like vampire, that, said, hollie, was, the, middle, of, the u.s.a., and, that, said, hollie, people, in, that state, rising, against, america, its, said, God, hollie, showed, sh, stan johnson, and, the prophecy club, he knew, said, hollie, his speakers, were, attacking, alright, said, stan, looking at visions, your dream, said, stan johnson, is failing, said, Jesus, no, money in it anymore, said, stan johnson, showed, cut off, dumitru knew, stan, johnson, said, put it under, said, hollie, its to late for the prophecy club, what are you doin, said, hollie, its, stan, johnson, he, showed, I want made the lute said stan johnson, but, never, got, saved, and, wont, spend, to, get, saved man, there, but would pocket, almost, eight hundred million, off, of, and, knows, put it under, thats bob laying hands on the back of stan johnson, bob, said, hollie, today is 11-23-2009, it appeared, clapped hollie, im ship said, wilhelm gustloff, thats m.s. wilhelm gustloff sinking, why did you strike me said ship, thats, russian submarine firing torpedoes, thats, m.v. wilhelm gustloff rolling and sinking, it, had, Jesus, rubs chin, over, eight thousand people on, that was the pope, hollie, said, thats, bobs picture on, hollie, showed, the sun newspaper, the man, that, God came inside like a body my perfect size, said, Jesus, hollie put back, tore, up, put back, rip, whole new world order appears, im, the, main, said, hollie, showed, mexican president, thats, lula, chavez, castrol, and, dragon grew, thats, putin, and, pope, coming out of top, theres, nicaragua, and, kim jong, tear up, put back, Conan, said, Jesus, I got you, said, pointed Conan O'Brien, hes, wanting bob, on, its, showed, Conan O'Brien, the tonight show, laughs, hes entertained, said, God, leaves, thats yeltsin and hintao planning out strike, thats hollie in, russian jet, flying, over, canada, drops bomb, thats pointed, hollie, big nuclear explosion, then all of america exploded, hollie shows, submarines, russian, said, Jesus, all around, u.s.a., one fires, thats explosion in california, hollie, laughs, watching on cnn, thats both american coasts exploding, thats smoke going up, blocking sun, and, moon, sun at first, said, Jesus, looked, like, its abased, bobby, said, sun, laughed, moon, shows, not uh word, then laughed, thats both playing, Jesus, the sun and moon are not just the sun and moon anymore, said, hollie, they are ministering spirits on, ministry of dreams, hollie said, thats both, sun laughs, theres uh submarine right there, said, hollie, now, look, hollie, said, it, surfaced, Jesus, said, its, akula again, thats what you want needed said, hollie, with captain hollie, thats, hollie firing, gaza burned, then hollie turns, iraq on fire, thats, hollie, sitting the mokse, its golden dome, said, hollie, on, top of church, its uh warning, said, Jesus, and, hollie, im, said, hollie, with, blue eyes, words, dont match lips, danced, showed, pope, picture, eat something said, hollie, like silhouette, both, bob, said, hollie, thats, the, cymbol beating, and false prophet hu hintao apearing, extra extra, said, hollie, read all about it, showed, newspaper, iraq nuked, turned newspaper around, gaza forsaken, nuked, when america collapsed thats when russia will attack, said, hollie, thats army national guard in the streets of u.s.a., like, angels, hollie, showed, turn, this is vision, lets post, hollie, ate, that was hollie funnel blowing, and Father, its on pioneer said hollie, steam locomotive, engine, hollie funnel blew, hollie out of advent subwoofer, showed, finger, with popes image tattood, on, write the vision, said, hollie, showed, advent, its wireless speakers, she plugged into earphone thing she said, came out of subwoofer, showed, popes picture, hollie had watch on, that was Jesus, like, uh, cat, said, hollie, not her, that was down, porch, said, hollie, he was sitting on, I didnt want no donut, said, the, cat, that, was, pope, on, hollies, finger, showing, brush teeth, go lay down, said, hollie, look, said, hollie, showed, lay down, eyes open, but, dozed, raise your mantle and repeat after, sang, hollie, russia is the beast, she said, prepared, said, God, hollie, showed, popes picture, then, whole, new, world, order, appears, in, picture, hollie was, happy, this is vision, lets post, said, hollie, showed, its beatem up, they hate but cling, look, said, hollie, it appeared, hollie, said, pope, hollie, said, I showed, you uh picture, leave it alone, said, hollie, that, she, said, hollie showed, the, God spoke, hollie said, ministry of dreams, dont, steal, hollie, said, that, was, geese circling, one showed glendale tomorrow, circled, hollie claps, what for, she said, 1-7-2010-hollie showed, record, bobby, said, hollie, pope, said, hollie, showed, eat, leave him alone, said, hollie, showed, its war, that, was, jim steinman on the airplane wing, flown by hollie, thats it, drops bomb, said, hollie, thats big nuclear explosion in africa, thats plane flying, hollie, hanging, by, rope, over, big nuclear explosion in america, thats submarines, all around, america, one fires, thats big nuclear explosion in, its, california, said, dumitru duduman, hollie, claps, watching, cnn, this is uh warning, said, hollie news anchor man, other one, shows, no hair, both, russia attacked, they, said, let me, turn, the, page, hollie, said, thats big nuclear explosion in, russia, and, rockets, leave, russia, Jesus, sprinkles, bear, rises, destroy that, said, Jesus, thats, submarines, all around, america, big explosion, thats missiles going, both, ways, they strike, said, hollie, russia, and, nuclear n.a.t.o. lands, its cause i am the beast, said, pontiff, hollie with, world, thats countries exploding, missiles strike cuba, and nicaragua, exploded, thats captain hollie looking thru periscope, fires, thats nuclear fire in venezuela, thats explosion in brazil, and rockets leave their waters, thats explosions in america, finger points, its, near, gulf of mexico, hollie, showed, record, said, hollie, bob, said, hollie, I showed, pope, she, said, picture, then hu hintao, and, vladimir, said, hollie, picture, thats, hollie, flying, in, its, computer controlled, hollie, said, stealth fighter jets, they, thats one dropping bomb, are killers, thats radar screen, hollie watching, it picks up jet, thats missile going toward jet, thats signal being, messed with, cause its stealth, said, hollie, looked at screen, it bounces like little yellow dot, its here, but vibrates, then its there, hard to hit, tell the vision, sang, hollie, and, hollie, posts on laptop, pope, she, said, he, appeared, this is uh warning, said, hollie, tap dancing, theres, you have it, she showed, its eight kings, what are they doing, said, hollie, talking, lets strike, said, putin, america, appears, pope, said, hollie, thats putin kneeling before, lets rule the world, he said, let me, pope agrees, thats, rockets leaving russia, thats america with many nuclear fires, bobby, website said post something, said, hollie, and hollie appears, hollie shows, its, the, nisshin maru running over whale wars vessel, paul watson is in the steve irwin ship, said, hollie, thats volunteers risking their lives, and thats harpoon striking whale, hollie shows, the world, looking down, sees lights in air, its missile defence grip, both russia and nuclear n.a.t.o., have hollie, said, it works, hollie, said, thats missile launched, and interceptor striking, thats many nuclear rockets being intercepted, bobby, said, hollie, showed, eat, exploded, that was stealth bomber being struck, russia can not struck u.s.a. without being struck, said, Jesus, hand in white glove points, captain hollie surfacing, firing, trident missiles, all around, russia, thats, some, making it, thru, missile defence, exploding, hollie, shows, it cruise, she, said, missile, it flew under, missile defence, exploded, in russia, we got some tap dancing, said, hollie, and, hollie tap dances, thats the new world order, tap dancing, its, pope, hollie, said, im, with, him, said, pontiff, putin appears, thats medvedev, and pope and putin, out of ram horn, with putins face, thats hegoat pontiff with ram horns, those kings with hu hintao coming out of other, pope, said, hollie, and, he, hollie, showed, record, points, that, showed, eat, saw, said, casey, pontiff, riding, black horse, cause russia is the bear father, sang Jesus, hollie, played the music, showed, fighting, that, was, uh bear, said, hollie, they, will, not, attack, unless provoked, bears can be beat by lions, they will kill each other, but, bear can kill many lions, before, dying, itself, cause, this is, uh, I got uh warning, said, hollie, coughed, thats, hollie, like, bear, flying in spacecraft, tore up, stomped feet, snapped fingers, again, casey, showed, record, call it, said, hollie, Ministry of Dreams, people steal, why do, you, said, hollie, its to ruin, said, one, thief of the God spoken, birthed, ministry of dreams, hollie, like cat appears, hollie with Jesus, inside, showed record, casey, showed, record, look, said, hollie, its, akula again, thats, what, you, want, needed, with, captain, hollie, and many other submarines, all with captain hollie, prowling oceans, thats country exploding, then many countries exploded, hollie spins world, pope, hollie, said, in, sky, thats smoke going up, blocking sun and moon, were abased, said, moon, showed, not uh word, sun laughs, moon points, said, in heart, he made me, do it, thats, the, marine corp. out in the streets, said, Jesus, like angel marines, partial silhouette faces, barack freshens breath, at microphone, its u.s.a. economic collapse, said, hollie, barack obama walks away, copter, said, hollie, with hollie on, gabriel lowered on rope, america below exploded, thats alaska exploding, then america exploding, thats russia exploding, that was, said, hollie, dot nuclear explosion in asia, big, thats captain, hollie, looking, and, ohio class subs surfacing, thats china burning, but before, said, hollie, thats hu on red horse, battling washington state, with sword, and hollie riding chinese missile, taiwan burned, im the moon, said, moon, humbly, get out of here, he, screamed, hollie showed, record, bangs hand, pope, she said, rises, hollie flys in americas, showed, pilotless stealth jet, dropped bombs, thats the u.s.s. yorktown, its, showed, hollie, the CV-5, bombed many times, the scuttled it, cause, beyond repair, to many things, needed repaired, but, with in, one day, could have been functional again, thou fools, said, hollie, sh, said, hollie, satan, she said, but he looked like Jesus, and was, Jesus, sh, she, said, dont call him satan, hollie played paliban daily music, beat drums, again, snapped fingers, like white hand, silhouette body, snapped fingers, showed, its, whale wars, paul watson, pocketing, the loot, use volunteers, he thinks, looks serious, but, laughs, thats snuggle bear licking, prophet, hugging putin, im with him, bear, said, thats russia growing, big angry bear, submarine sound, said, hollie, now look, she said, snapped fingers, like white light hollie, many subs prowling oceans, thats world, many countries exploding, hollie snapped fingers, again, hollie screams, im your website, lets post, said, hollie, showed, 8-9-10-?-2011-peace and safety, was, that was gorbachev, this is hollie, sitting with, its bush, president at table, they signed, its peace, start one, hollie showed, thru with it, hollie showed lay down, clapped hands, white, another comes out, its he, him, showed, its uh dark setting, he had, its red sweatshirt on, hollie showed, lay down, its him, coming out, its uh dark setting, scene, he said, she reappeared like, only hands and face seen but, hollie, went all the way dark, lit the candle, its candlelite, thats God appearing, candle made hollie appear somewhat, people loved, wanted but didnt go, hollie showed, its, chat room ministryofdreams, like, its angelface, head man, but not to well seen, i'm the chat room, angel said, face forming and unforming but light, claps, turns, into, its, hollie, she, said, bobby go, to, church, hollie said, they want to see ya, she said, thats chat room ministry of dreams, showing, eat, mostly blank light face, hollie showed, just speak easy, I want some, said, its pastor, angel, hollie that explains, came out, bobby, she said, showed, hollie screamed, but looked up, not heard, happy, its burgundy sweatshirt on, but theres Gods new hey hammo, hollie said, hes like, its chatroom ministryofdreams angel, head, hollie ate, showed, bobby it wont be long, hollie said, showed, git food, its out of dumpster, hollie said, thats printer, showed, it still works, people throw away, showed, hollie, good, stuff, thats, wastin, hollie said, thats people all over the world, they are dying, its church angel, hollie showed, its front part of building but, changed back to building, hollie showed, its, its new world order apostolic church, it, angel peeked out of front of building again, came out, one hand seen, it showed, i'm the building, church angel pointed at self, hollie showed, its front part of building but turned, into hollie, laughs, bob, thats, church angel looking but building not seen, but it was there, hollie came out, thats bob and janette in church, its, living, they, bob hollie thought, burgundy sweatshirt on, hollie showed, record, hey, another, said, its, him, its, hollie said, red sweatshirt on, he caught, hollies hair not seen but there, hey, another, hollie laughs, he changed into, its like hollie showed, there, theres hand agin, showing, you did not need him, its hollie showed, but one similar appeared in dome in hand, hollie showed, its, marketing, had, its uh, burgundy, but, hey theres Gods new hammo, hollie said, hes like, blank, bluish ghost head, that was, livecloud ministryofdreams, like uh somewhat blank, face with the name there, i'm the livecloud angelhead said, mostly blank, white light face, brother stay clear, its hollie said, she said, showed, mow lawn, thats one helping after awhile, its, Jesus, out of, the whirlwind, hollie said, did convey, thats her mowing lawn, white robe on, hey hollie said, it had designs, along bottom like border, hey, what are those, hollie said, silmilar to bears, fighting, one looks, hollie said, hey another, points, its him, red sweatshirt on, her hair not seen, but was there, bluish like, its uh burgundy out line he said, look what youve done hollie said, showed, its givin the money, its, take bob, they will give you seven fifty, but you pay for door, bob you need, record hollie said, i'm home, its the septic tank, hollie said, showing, forcefully, but it under, she said, septic tank, showed sleeping till bob came along, I like it, tank, said, it wont need, cleaned out till you go then, thats max haas there, but they knew, put it under, septic tank, showed lay down, hey hollie said, face faded, hollie showed, its lifestyle lift, she was happy, bobby, thats hollie doing, lasar treatments, it burns part of face off, thats face after, its wrinkle free, heres how, wrinkles she said, are, only so deep, put it under, hollie showed lay down, happy agin, hollie showed, turn, like golden round head, but, not quite, looked, for, which way to go, showed, turn, amber hand, face, but face disappeared, put it under, hollie said, bob, she said, showed, seal it up, burgundy sweatshirt on, its ministryofdreams and angel appeared, thats bob giving a tour, its prophecy club, its soon, janette joins, hollie showed, turn, amber hand, big, its lightning sound and its hollie in stormy sky, showed, lightning bolt, angel road, tear up hollie said, but only like light, bags, which are gloves appeared, but hollie showed, its sand bag, thats flood coming, hollie put sandbags up to block, its, uh wall, she said, hollie showed, leave, come on bob, its new world order apostolic church, angel appeared, like, its round she said, hey she said, he had uh hat on, put it undle, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, hollie walked on, its treadmill, she showed, but, hey, its angel she said, appeared, like, its, round, but, he changed, to, like hollie round head angel, its him, a she said, appeared, she came out, now its boom, hollie said, showed, its him, many he hollies, their on uh hill, go to that one, hollie showed, turn, there is uh reason, he lit up, she hollie said, hey your going the wrong way another, she hollie said, but its him, showing, turn, white bear paws, tear up, she hollie said, but he showed, put back, hollie showed, its pope, its I am God, he said,frustration, 11-6-2011-bob its janette, hollie said, shes, in love now, its with you, hollie showed, plad coat on, put it under, hollie said, just watch, thats janette going hooking, God said, bob if you look younger, hollie said, you will want women, God said, and you will, hey thats bob with christine, fucking, God and hollie said, thats, hollie showing, bob wear condom, or I wont fuck, adkins, said, hollie showed, eat something like uh new hollie, I showed, bobby, you uh picture, its janette, red plad coat on, no other clothes, shes with you bob, just wait, you will see, its in time, hollie showed, bob dont go, its paul otis, they dont want you, there, thats him seeing you and its, raise your hands and repeat after, hollie showed, just walk, red plad shirt on, like brand new hollie, but another, hollie appeared, this is uh warnin, let hollie said, thats precious walter stone giving you Gods ideas, its warning sireen, hollie in megaphone showing peoples not listening, hollies ears, anther thinks, wasnt normal, megaphone was different colors, put it under, hollie said, she stamped, hand like animal, hand, you see hollie said, she did self dermabrasion, its, bobby, they work, thats bobs face smooth again, but hollie stamped, hey, another said, appearing, red sweatshirt on, face white light, rubbed chin, but nice brown hair, thats another, hollie with nice hair appearing, bobby, he said, long, almost pointy nose like animal, hollie screamed, bob its janette, hollie and dorreen said, stuck head out, kind of smiled but changed, she will be over tonight, tomorrow, to, showed, bobby go to church, raise your hands and repeat after, hollie sang, showed, bob, its face, hollie did excercise, do, bobby theres your phone, its, hollie comes out, shows, its angel, its janette calling, wanna fuck, she said, thats bob going and picking up, shes not acting into it but really is, plad red coat on, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, hollie, showed, git down, showed, showed bob take janette dancing, she loves to flirt, thats, raise your hands and repeat after me, both dancing, janette doesnt care how you do, thats her drinking, its beer, laughing, go, you need to prophesy angel said, holie ate pizza, plad coat on, hollie screamed, did self dermabrasion, but, hey another, hollie said, her face went blank, bob thats line before and after, its, you reduced most, sculpting hollie said, that, said, its light shining in darkness, that hollie and a new hollie said, she stuck head out, many, its him, their on uh hill, they chant boo, but whats his ship doing there again, said babyfleas, white in mouth, burgundy sweatshirt on, om the m.v. wilhelm gustloff ship, its captain and thats ship being rocked by, its torpedoes, he said, showed, jumpy hollie, turned to side, amber monkey lips, plad coat on, thats janette in, its behind bars, agin, its soon, hollie said, put it under, thats bob at home in bed, phone rings, i'm in jail again, janette said, bob, thats him lifting out of bed, trembling, she said, go, hollie said, jumpy, monkey lips, thats new hollie, with, its pipe wrapping equipment, go, buy, dont waste time, its at goodwill, stamps, hollie but she disappeared, hollie showed, go into, k-mart, big brown hand, your wanted in the phone, its janette, two hollies, said, with, its the, uh leave it alone sound, sorry another, said, janette wants, thats the loot, its lots, dont give it, stamps, hollie, scene changes, she wants other men, make it easy for her or let her, thats janette hooking again, red plad coat on, no pants or undies, I need to talk to you, its, Jesus, hollie did say, see your face, hollie did say, it, she dreaded telling, shook, will heal on its on, just let it, God will fix it, 12-23-2011-bob, hollie showed, time, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, its trouble coming, and bob your causing it pointed, hollie, God said, thats doreen hollie showed, raise your hands and look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, showed, shew we, thats, hollie siphoning, and its, raw sewage, bobby, hollie and God showed, its coming out, Gods hammo appeared like white angelic being, claps, head, face not seen but was there, and started forming, raise, your hands and repeat after me, tap danced, many, hollies and its the new world order kings, bobby, hollie showed, record, many ministering spirits said, theres, pope, its i'm the nuclear g8, thats serpent dragon of light, rising, its, beast with heads and ten horns, thats pope pointing at self, horns appeared on popes head, thats one4 with eyes like man, happy, but putin, came out of, hollie showed, turn, its speedway gas station, and hammo showed, like angelic being, get ready to work, he siphons, hollie came out, face disappearing, but it worked, thats septic tank hammo, like angelic face appearing on septic tank lid, looking cocky, thats in the fire, hollie said, i'm caregiver said, raise your hands and google after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, hes white angelic being, thats new hollie with sleeping garments on, hollie screamed, showed, its, raise your hands and repeat after me, bobby, hollie came out, showed, its works, just work with, 12-24-2011-bob, hollie said, God said, she showed time, raise your hands and repeat after me, its, christmas, hollie said, buy presents, hollie had, you need to record, hollie said, did say, but, went blue, hollie put the toilet in, new world order apostolic church angel appears like round head of light, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey look, theres Gods hammo, hollie said, angelic being, looking to side, thinning hair but red strands, hollie showed, keep going sraight, lighted golden shaft finger, but kept growing, bob theres, submarines, hollie said, with, its, the, submarine somby, hollie said, another, God said, its akula class, thats what you want, needed hollie said, jumping, dress appeared on, waving hands, but another came out, face going just light, bobby, hollie said, rubbing head, raise your hands and repeat after me, Lord give me time, hollie said, showed, submarines firing, uh mountain burning on top, glowing red, he hollie said, him, she one said, its america, hollie comes out, its america appearing, submarines all around, thats both coasts burning, hollie moved hands, face went blank, its he, hollie, raise your hands and repeat after me, hollie sang, him, she said, pointed, up, being raised, nuclear explosion in, its, center of america, angel flys, its double beater helicopter, its dull, light, helicopter, but, bright light blades, angel flys, hollie showed, its fire in the sky, its ozzy osbourne, like uh madman, its, diary of a madman, ozzy appeared God said, hollie sang, its, bob they had it, save it for the next album ozzy said, Randy Rhoads, shakes yes, I am God, hollie said, but, she, and bob appeared, laughing, raise your hands and wait uh minute, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, she sang to, clapped hands, but, waved light hands, burgundy sweatshirt on, its here, its, him, he, hollie, thats, judgment coming to world, like black angelic being, God followed, hollie screamed, taste something she said, licked tongue, Gods hammo sang, like angelic being, face kind of, hollie came out, like light, but started forming, hollie showed, turn, its, the, septic tank, hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, theres Gods hammo, hey look hollie said, hes white like angelic man, face like, formed but same color, thinning hair, thats septic tank angel, happy, sitting on, lid, like stick figure of light, showing, clean me out, thats lid off, bobby, its that simple, hollie looks on internet on how to take lid off, thats her praying off, shew, its hard labor she said, looks in, its full, God said, but, she drained, 12-24-25-26-2011-bob look, hollie said, showed, clean out septic tank, do it yourself, hollie said, she pryed off lid, bob its easy, she said, just it, yourself, looking at bob, hollie screamed, why for bob, raise your hands hands and repeat look after me, sang, its, Gods hammo, theres, hollie said, white angelic being, thinning hair, and, kind of winking, but, hollie showed, his eyes, kind of like statue, but, thats septic tank angel sitting on lid, like, stick figure of light, showing, bobby, take off, hands dig and, light, beat on top, stood up, told, its pope, its, i am God, septic tank angel said, changed into pope, bob hollie thought, its janette your wife, a gift, she takes, but doesnt care, but enjoys it, later, thats, janette eating candy, bob hollie said, showed, stay busy, Gods hammo sang, hollie showed, turn, golden lighted hand, bob hollie showed, its walmart, walk around, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, hey look theres Gods hammo, hollie said, angelic being, eyes like statue but like wax, bob God has said, lay down, hollie did say, but clapped hands, face went blank, its, laptop and Father like angelic face coming out, happy, its new he hollie, smiling, hollie did say, light shined in darkness, their on, its level ground, but, it went up, one appeared, with, out head, blue sweatshirt on, light blue pants, hollie showed, record, whats this she said, its unhappy Father face appearing, thats septic tank, angel sitting on like stick angel, seeming not happy, showed, its, stuff getting in tank, bobby, hollie came out, mothers, it wont hurt, just get, thats septic tank, company pumping, its, pastor angel ordering, no, she said, another, hollie said, but really was same, clap, she said, did, bobby lay down, hollie said, clapped hands but still up, record, the vision, thats, janette and moodie fuckin agin, hollie showed, many ministering spirits like pope turned into angel of light, raise your hands and git outta here after me, he said, bob janette came out, but, a, its, off white dark, robe, its janette, shes lurching, heres why, shes wanting, bob, its, loot, thats bob, hollie showed, turn, long shaft golden finger, hollie screamed, again, but not heard, hollie walked on tread mill, drank drink, but, hey, another, hollie, comes out, hollie put weight back on, thats the, spetic tank bubbling sound, just feed septic tank angel said, showed, getting angry, big hands, people, thats them pouring all kinds of things down in and, some will make thru finger system, thats rid-x, cleaning out finger system, but bob, septic tank angel, showed, just wait, it wont hurt, rid-x fixes, thats septic tank angel pouring in more rid-x, hollie showed, turn, but, turned golden hand but another showed, keep going straight, no hand, but, it appeared, like, raise your hands and light up after me, look hollie said, theres Gods hammo, smokin, and face not forming all the say, red strands of hair, bobby, hollie came out, burgundy sweatshirt on, thank you antonio, they showed up, bob, hes watchin, they now know, she said, sleep, jumpy, hollie said, like nigger, monkeys lips, white dress, but designs on, its bears, showing, war, pope said, coming out of one, hollie showed, time, its moodie fucking many women, its hard sex, when ya gonna eat, hollie said, thats bob just nibbling for awhile, she said, put it under, when your face is fixed, bob, slowing, looking thiry, again, come on, bob, hollie clapped, showed, lay down, face mostly light, 12-27-2011-bobby, many hollie said, God said, one showed, its pakistan, shaking, bobby hollie showed, its box of rid-x, hey, hollie said coming out, its septic tank angel showing, rid-x, thats, pouring in but changing into Father, bobby it wont needed cleaned, they dont use enough, go, thats, bobby wasting in tank and tank burping, face appears on lid, but came out, showed i'm the septic tank, happy, take care of me, watch, it will work again, put it under, hollie and God said, hollie showed, lay down, but clapped hands, got back up, hollie showed, bob glowing red in world, its, rage, said, its, i'm the beast, bob turning into pope said, its you hollie said, raise your hands and repeat after me hollie said, come on, hollie said, burgundy sweatshirt on, raise your hands and repeat after me, sang, Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, she, got, pry bar, its crow coming out, and its two actors from the movie, crow, its, the crow man and crow bird, smiled, thats crow looking at septic tank lid, angel face appearing on, but, changing to stick angel, thats lid lifting with hollie prying, bobby, you know, shew, be quiet, still on that, she said, hollies screamin for this reason she said, screamed again, but not heard, then showed, bobby, take, it easy, you'll get it fixed, thats knox septic tank company, thats them getting receipt, hollie was showing turn, long lighted finger, growing, its amber color, its, him, he, hollie a she one said, twisting head in fire, man he said, happy, raise your hands and repeat after me, hey look, theres Gods hammo and bob, burgundy sweatshirt on, singing, boo, thats what, we, chant for, its, he, hollie, did say, light shined in darkness, many, hollies, all, him, a, she one said, one had mouth opened, like light in mouth, but, its same, hollie, but was in fire but was in fire, hair more fluffly, hollie that explains came out, another came out to, what are you doin, she said, raise your hands and repeat after me, a, casey like hollie sang, hollie showed, turn, amber hand, hollie, explains, raise your hands and repeat after me sang Gods hammo, hey look, hollie said, bobby watch her eyes, she wants you, he said, God showed, ya, something, hollie said, eat again, hollie showed, to, hollie laid down, face like golden haze,
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